Health Themes
The Healthy Place Making Toolkit provides a range of content across a variety of socio-economic themes. Within each theme is signposting to research and evidence, best practice design guidance, case studies and other resources to help in the development of healthy places.
As we plan for future growth and development of built and natural environments, it is vital that we respond to local challenges, as well as make the most of – and learn from – the best examples of practice available locally, nationally and internationally.

Active Travel
Walking and cycling are good for our physical and mental health. Switching more journeys, especially short ones, to active travel will improve health, quality of life and the environment, and local productivity, while at the same time reducing costs to the public purse.
Read more about "Active Travel"

Healthy places are those that are well integrated into the site and well connected to their wider natural and built surroundings. Good quality livable places are those that are easy...
Read more about "Connectivity"

Streets must be welcoming places for everyone to walk, spend time and engage with other people. This is necessary to keep us all healthy through physical activity and social interaction. ...
Read more about "Streets"

Green and Blue Spaces
Green and blue infrastructure is defined as the network of natural and seminatural areas, features and spaces that lie within and between our towns and cities and which provide multiple...
Read more about "Green and Blue Spaces"

Air Quality & Environment
Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK, as long-term exposure to air pollution can cause chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases...
Read more about "Air Quality & Environment"

Life Course
Our places and spaces are not automatically one-size-fits-all. People and their needs can vary greatly and the way our physical environment accommodates these changing needs, particularly across the lifecourse, is...
Read more about "Life Course"

Health Impact Assessment
A Health Impact Assessments (HIA) is a combination of procedures, methods and tools used by those planning, deciding and shaping changes to the environment. Guidance on HIAs is helpful when evaluating the significance of health effects of a plan or project.
Read more about "Health Impact Assessment"